Nisus Writer for Mac

Nisus Writer for Mac

Verze 3.5.6
Bezplatné vyzkoušení
66.42 MB
Bezpečnost ověřena
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Volba redaktora: Nisus Writer for Mac 3.5.6

Nisus Writer Express for Mac is an elegant, simple and easy to use word processor. If you are in need of a good process to wire down your thoughts, Nisus Writer Express is the right word processor. It is affordable and easy to work with. Nisus Writer Express has a read and write support for a lot of file formats including Microsoft Word, RTF, RTFD, Nisus Writer Classic, Unicode, and plain text files. Other features include the Right to Left Text Input, Bullets and Numbering, LinkBack support, and so on. You can also customize keyboard shortcuts, effective find and replace option that you can use to search quickly for a word or sentence in a document and replace it with another text. There is also the Exclusive Document Manager, Footnotes and endnotes, Apple script and Perl macros support, multiple clipboards, language sensitive smart quotes and fixing of typos. Nisus Writer Express has everything that you can look for in a word processor app.

Elegant, simple and easy to use word processor

If you are looking for a powerful alternative to your word processor, Nisus Writer Express for Mac is the right one to go for. With Nisus Writer Express, you can just write freely without any form of interruption. It is extremely customizable to suit your exact needs. This feature is one of the strongest points of Nisus Writer Express as it is conspicuously lacking in other word processors for Mac. You can also select different palettes on the app. With over 150 different languages available at your disposal, you also have the ability to define your own and be sure of getting the best out of this word processor. Nisus Writer Express is one of the best word processors available because of its comprehensive and powerful features. The developers have found a way to combine effectiveness with simplicity on a very straightforward and innovative user interface to take care of your word processing needs. With the Microsoft Word compatibility, the program guarantees that anything you type on Nisus Writer Express will be readable on Microsoft Word and vice versa. If you are looking for a word process that is powerful and with a very intuitive user interface, Nisus Writer Express is the ultimate app to go for. Great app!

Nisus Writer for Mac
Nisus Writer for Mac
Verze 3.5.6
Bezplatné vyzkoušení
66.42 MB
Bezpečnost ověřena

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