Star Wars Empire at War

Star Wars Empire at War

Verze Gold
Bezplatné vyzkoušení
605.00 MB
Bezpečnost ověřena
Bezpečnost ověřena
Join the Galactic Civil War.

Return to the Star Wars universe in this instalment from Lucas Arts, Star Wars: Empire at War. This PC adaption is the first real-time strategy game that takes place in the world of the Force, Luke and Yoda. Select one of two factions to join and let the adventure begin
Players will enjoy this storyline that takes place a little while before the events in Star Wars: A New Hope take place. You will get to explore how the Rebel Alliance was created, as well as seeing how the Empire struggled to keep its grip on the universe. Like with any other real-time strategy game, players will have to build bases, research new technology and recruit their armies.
The game features many of the popular units found in the movies: land speeders, X-Wings, Star Destroyers and even the AT-ATs. Fans of the sage will be delighted in the hero units that include the likes of Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi. As one would expect, the hero units are extremely powerful and can change the direction a battle might be heading when implemented. Each faction has their own special units they can control.
The action in the game takes place on several different worlds found in the various story arches. You will have to travel to Yavin 4, Tatooine, Dagobah and many others. Star Wars: Empire at War does a great job of combining the Star Wars universe with real-time strategy. Fans of both will enjoy playing this game.

Star Wars Empire at War
Star Wars Empire at War
Verze Gold
Bezplatné vyzkoušení
605.00 MB
Bezpečnost ověřena
Porovnání alternativních programů:
Alternativy k programu Star Wars Empire at War – Tabulka pro porovnání programů:
Název aplikace
Počet stažení
Velikost souboru
The new MMORPG from a galaxy far away.
652 Počet stažení
0.00 MB
Navrhněte a postavte raketu, která vydrží vyslání do vesmíru
2.9K Počet stažení
464.60 MB
Bitevní hra založená na sdruhé světové válce
1.4K Počet stažení
47.68 MB
Počítačová hra se středověkou tématikou
13.3K Počet stažení
3.00 MB
Rychle se pohybující vesmírná střílečka
720 Počet stažení
15.53 MB

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